Frequently Asked Questions


Can I cancel my membership at any time?

We ask you to sign a contract for a year ($99 a year or $10 a month) and we hope you are able to honor that. If however something comes up – please let us know.


If my site isn’t working properly who should I contact?

Please contact and we will get in touch with you within 2 business days – and in advance – we apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you.


I got other small businesses to join – how do I get my free months?

Thank you from all of us small businesses for doing that! Please contact and she will handle the accounting for you.


I have a good ideas to add to the site – who can help me with this?

We know small businesses owners know their business best and have GREAT ideas for our site. Please send your idea to and write in the memo line: GREAT IDEA. We will be in touch very shortly.


I know of a small business that is just getting started and doesn’t have the $99 or $10 a month. Is there anyone that can help?

We all struggled when we were getting started so please feel free to have them contact us at We cannot help everyone – but we will do our best.


I would like to add a blog to Save Small Shops site. Can I do that?

If its relevant to small shops absolutely. Send it to and she will be in touch with you regarding the post. Also, please have a photo or a nice opening so it stands out when our members open the site – and thanks for the help.