Community Spaces Are About Small Businesses

What I think of when I think of a community square – A Feeling Of Home

I’ll be posting as many community squares, town squares, and the heart of the cities as I can as I go to meet small business owners around the United States to listen to what they need and how we, at Save Small Shops, can help support those needs. All community spaces will look different. Some like to the right with a fountain of a mother and child, fall decorations, support for local schools, etc and some will be long streets with the businesses side by side sharing things like we at home share sugar with our neighbor. But they are all what makes our communities stronger, safer, happier and healthier and basically a feeling of “home”. Dare I say it – like Hallmark Movie towns??? Please send me pictures of your community spaces so we can build a beautiful vision on what “home” looks and feels like around our country.